Monday, August 25, 2008

FUN MONDAY -response

Fun Monday host is Mama Drama and the assignment is:
What funny trivial fact do you remember that you probably should have forgotten a long time ago?

This is funny -all my knowledge is important yet somehow trivial and surprisingly relevant to this age we live in. So here goes.

My Mother always told me that when I was in a car and in mixed company (boys and girls) and the girls had to sit on the boys' lap to make room for everyone to fit in. The girls must ALWAYS have a telephone book between them and the boys' lap.

See I told you this could not be verified by Snoops. To this day I have no idea why or what she meant -course I never married or had children. OMG is THIS where babies come from???????????


Hootin Anni said...

Well, you probably could find baby doctors in the yellow pages under physicians listings. I'm not sure tho.


Loved this Fun Monday. Mine is posted. Hopefully this is a bit on the 'FUNny side' too. Drop by if you can, won't you? Happy day to you.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, great bit of advice, not very comfy though. :D

Sandcastle Momma said...

I like that advice and will be passing it along to my teenage daughter LOL

Anonymous said...

I'd always heard about about putting it between your knees...thus keeping the legs closed...but in my imagination...I that situation...maybe...

Sandy said...

That IS funny. I heard that also, only from the nuns who went even further. Obviously, we would not be sitting on strangers' laps, so this was only in an emergency, as if we were somehow forced to sit on our cousins' lap.

The other hint? Never wear patent leather shoes to a dance because boys could look in them and see your panties.

Jeanna said...

Ha, ha, that sounds like our second grade nun who said you should never wear white on a date because it will remind the boy of bed sheets.

IamwhoIam said...

OMG - that is just too funny. But where I live the phone books are pretty skimpy and might not provide the protection intended.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Wow! That is some old school advice, for sure. Now we can't ride on laps due to the seat belt laws! LOL!

stwidgie said...

Coming from the land of skinny phone books, I too have my doubts about the value of that practice. That's also why I never understood why you'd seat a small child on a phone book to help them reach the table.

Anonymous said...

hahahah! very funny. How many phone books do you carry around in your car?

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone -I will try to visit your sites -Nowadays my phone book is in my cell -ah-not the same advice concept, do you think? Of course, if I ever sat on a boys lap these days I'd kill him and I dont think he would have a smile on his face??????? LOL

ChrisB said...

That might be a sound piece of advice LOL

storyteller said...

How fascinating to learn the things our minds remember …
Hugs and blessings,

Faye said...

Oh my! I'm worried about the girls' backs. If they're expected to have to carry around a phone book in their backpacks in anticipation of having to sit on a boy's lap, where does that leave the boys? Right! Off the hook again!

Pamela said...

ha ha ha.... I heard some stories like that when I was a kid. I remember my mom telling me about a girl who sat on a blanket (at the park) with a boy. When she missed her monthly she figured she was pregnant.

Carol Ann Laura said...

Your musings are a hoot!
Yes, I think the telephone is to "observe the proprieties"...isn't that what Micheline kept saying in the movie
"The Quiet Man" ?

Carol Ann Laura said...

Your musings are a hoot!
Yes, I think the telephone is to "observe the proprieties"...isn't that what Micheline kept saying in the movie
"The Quiet Man" ?

Carol Ann Laura said...

oops...meant to say telephone "book"