Sunday, August 17, 2008

FUN MONDAY -response

Aug 18, 2008 FUN MONDAY Host question:
" What is one thing you would like to ask your readers? Come up with a question to pose to your visitors and throw it out there on Monday. As we’re all visiting each other’s Fun Monday posts we should answer the various questions we come across"

My Question is:
What is the one thing you cannot do alone or place you can not go alone ?

And my answer to that same Question is (of course) a story:

I traveled and taught for my employer before I retired and I am single -so i really don't have trouble doing things alone. Like movies, hotel rooms,airline flights or trips. I just got back from a Bucket list trip to CO, Utah and Vegas. 808 miles in a car alone, strange motels and three National Parks. When I got to Vegas , my sister was not able to explore with me and so I did Vegas on my own, also. It was not my first choice after a week of rocks and more rocks -but hey it is what it is.

I would have liked to have someone to laugh with when I discovered all the people in the six rows in front of me had been moved down to better seats. I was alone in my $50.00 seats in the last row of the Jubilee Theater at Ballys - 10:30 show. My first and only Las Vegas topless showgirl show and I was back so far they could have been headless for all I knew.

The only thing that did stand out from that far back was that they all appeared to be skinny and flat chested and all their nipples were the same color. I laughed out loud and wanted to share my hilarious discovery - which is when I noticed I was all alone in row U. Apparently the ushers don't move the cheap seat patrons forward. At least not with out an incentive. I couldn't be bothered, the show was ok but ???? I should have opted for a male review. smile But I wanted to see a real live Las Vegas feathers and showgirls show. This wasn't it but it was ok.

I am pretty proud of myself for doing all that on my own -but the one thing i set out to accomplish and did -still leaves me with the ‘weirdness fear‘. I do not like to dine in a resturant dining room for dinner alone. Oh I can do it -but i would rather pay twice what the meal is worth and have room service.

This trip i was determined to eat by myself -all alone and conquer this ‘weird fear’ I have. I had my creative writing journal with me and I was all set. I was shown into a dining room in the Sunset Grill restaurant in Moab UT. It was very nice -set on the top of a small hill. The highest point in the town actually. The driveway was straight up, no guard rails and I hoped I would be finished by dark. I was the ONLY patron in the room. This was going to be more difficult than I thought.

They put me at a table for four against a window with a wonderful view of the town and the river and the wetlands or dry lands along the river and wait -flames? A fire? A lightening strike, from a storm I had just seen in Arches National Park, had set the whole river side on fire.

This being big excitement for this tourist town , soon drew cars up the steep driveway to the Sunset Grill. They parked everywhere, all crowding around the outside of the restaurant porch and windows for a view of the fire. Meanwhile, I had a great view -still the only one in the air conditioned restaurant -of the helicopters scooping river water and dumping it on the now large fire. Of all the town spectators right outside my widow table- looking at the fire and peering in at me -all alone. No one talked to me except my waiter and he was mostly looking & watching outside also.

When I got over the awkwardness and stopped laughing to myself over the absurdity of it all -I finished the meal quickly. Do I tip for service/view or meal ?-I decided view -the meal was the worst prime rib i ever ate but frankly, the fire show and audience conversations (I could hear them all taking) was more than I could have hoped for.

I wonder how many families enjoyed fried /smoked fish the next day?

I am so thankful my sister and her husband were in Vegas at the same time I was . She wasn't able to hang out with me but we met for a few meals. Thank goodness -I wonder what would constitute town excitement in Sin City? and would I have enjoyed the front row window seat?

NO,I don't even want to know.


Unknown said...

Boy when my kids were little it felt I couldn't go to the bathroom alone but thankfully I do get to be alone for that nowadays. :)

I used to have trouble eating out alone but I learned to take a book with me. I can go to movie alone.

I hate to travel alone. Being an only child I learned to do lots of stuff alone so it's hard to come up with something but I think traveling in general is my big thing.

I'm proud that you didn't let it stop you form doing Vegas! You should be proud of yourself!

I know, walking into a crowded room, like a courtroom alone, scary.

survivor said...

Thanks Lisa -but where did the "walking into a courtroom alone" come from?

Hootin Anni said...

Well, let me put it this way...I'm probably one of those kinds that say "I can do anything you can do, and I can do better". You know, the old song?

No you can't, yes I can, no you can't.

But there is probably one thing [way back in my youth like 100 years ago...I couldn't get pregnant alone!]

My FM question is posted. Stop by.

survivor said...

LOL thanks Hootin' and I will stop by!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be going to see a movie on my own..

Jill said...

i have trouble driving somewhere new alone. my vision is bad enough that i cant read street signs and i get confused really easily because of it. i would never know how far off course i was or anything.

survivor said...

dear teapot- try it in the daytime all by yourself- go to a real sob story that your husband wouldnt be caught dead at and buy your self some sweet calories and enjoy! PS go to a posh neighborhood -the Ladies Lav. and movie seats are much cleaner. I wish you were closer.

Jeanna said...

Vegas would have to implode in order for people to leave the tables, and even then...
I can't think of many things you have to have someone else around for, but many it's better with.
I guess moving would be impossible for me all on my own. I don't know of any place you can't go to alone. Maybe a wedding chapel with no groom.

storyteller said...

I enjoyed the quote (and comment ) you left at Small Reflections … have shared it myself from time to time. Thanks for stopping by. Like you, I write because I must (I’ve kept a journal and written daily for DECADES) … but I don’t BLOG for that reason. I did enjoy reading of your recent experiences doing things alone for they brought back an adventure I had LAST summer driving by myself from Southern California to Taos (and back) to attend a Week Long Writers Retreat there with 32 other women … none of whom I’d ever met before, though I’ve kept in touch with a handful ever since. Once upon a time I hated being by myself and doing things ‘alone’ … but gradually I’ve gotten over those feelings (mainly out of necessity) … and have come to savor solitary pursuits more than I would have believed possible. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered ‘room service’ anywhere … ever ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Sayre said...

I can do almost anything alone - but I do have this one very weird fear. I was born and raised in Florida near the coast. I still live in the same area and have spent countless hours at the beach. The beach is okay, but I will NOT go in the water. Maybe up to my ankles (stingray shuffle), but I am absolutely terrified of "wild" water. I feel like I'm intruding on an alien world and am terribly uncomfortable. My husband, on the other hand, absolutely loves being in the water.

IamwhoIam said...

Well I do a lot alone, but eat out is the pits. I can do it I just don't enjoy it - I see eating a social and I want friends and family around.

Well come FM Im glad you choose to join the group.

Faye said...

You stumped me--can't think of anything that I just couldn't do alone--except the obvious, get pregnant--and even that's possible to do alone.

Like you, I like traveling alone. Also like to see movies, plays alone. Restaurant dining, not so much--love room service.

ChrisB said...

I'm not really good at doing things alone. Oh don't get me wrong I can travel to a destination without someone to hold my hand but I would not enjoy a holiday alone. I have never been to the cinema alone which is stupid really because I miss a lot of good films. There was a time when I would not walk into a pub alone but I have got over that as long as I am meeting someone. I think I'm a bit of a wimp so I take my hat off to you.

ChrisB said...

I have to admit that I don't like doing things alone. I will travel alone as long as I'm meeting someone the other end. I have never been to the cinema alone, my daughters think I'm silly and I do miss out on some good films. There was a time when I wouldn't enter a pub alone but I'm over that now. I certainly wouldn't ever consider holidaying alone so I take my hat off to you.

ChrisB said...

sorry if you got 2 comments please delete one

survivor said...

OMGoodness ChrisB -I never thought about walking into a bar -I dont go because i dont drink/ I DO go into a ber/resturant but i never sit at the bar -because i always hear by Nana's voice in my head -'Ladies don't did at bars'isnt that weird? In Vegas I didnt want to go into the clubs -how young ARE those girls? I kept asking people my age (50's) where do the people our age hang out and dance? and the same answer -from tourists and workers are the people our age are in bed. WOW -I wonder if there is a market here for the Nocturnal Boomers?

Every has had such good answers Thanks for all stopping by!

Alison said...

great stories!!

I can't go to the bathroom alone at night when we are camping....scares the crap outta me!! pun intended

Jo Beaufoix said...

Sorry I'm so late. I don't mind eating alone as I take a book, but I really don't think I could go to the cinema/movies alone. It would feel very weird, so I'm impressed by your showgirls visit.

IamwhoIam said...

Hey Chica,
this weeks FUN MONDAY ifn you want to play is over at Mamadrama below is the web address a little harder then normal to find.

survivor said...

thanks iamwhoiam -I will sign up for this week.