Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mature Adults Bus Trip

Today, I went on a mature adults bus trip to the Tropicana to see the show 'Best of Broadway" (it was wonderful). Since I don't gamble, I walked around the casino and on the boards and people watched before the show. When I was tired I sat on an empty bench. I now realize it was empty because it was within hearing distance of a very BAD clarinet playing pan handler. Ugh. I was going to go and harass him -Of course, it would have been mean -but I just know he isn't reporting his begging money -but hey I am NOT in charge of the world any more. So I just listened, smiled and enjoyed the sun and breeze.

Then a nice man sat beside me and talked to me while he smoked his cigar (I love the smell of cigars -so shoot me) -yes he asked me lots of questions and since i no longer work for our Uncle I told him ! I was retired etc -he said he had a house on the island, on the point and use to have a business in Pa, seven grandchildren, two sons (one went to PSU :) the other to that university in pittsburgh :(-. An hour and a half he talked to me -it was lunch time -he never asked for my number or even to have lunch with him! He never closed the deal.

So now what about being picked up by a man to old be in my generation -didn't i get? What did I do wrong? I just talked to my friend JMK. and he said I should have asked him for his number and that I would call him next time I was in AC on a bus trip. I should have closed the deal. How easy would that have been ! But nooooooooo.

I am so bad at these things -I cant even ask out old men who chat me up. Geeze.

So, I had a nice time and a beautiful day, didn't loose any money and a seagull didn't shit on me. I was scared a couple of times by this woman walking along by the side me, that needs to do lots more crunches and ab work- oh wait was that a mirror?

Tomorrow I do the Writers Convention in Wildwood.

Ah, the retired life.

1 comment:

Annie P. Scott said...

Hm, I don't know about closing the deal with a geezer. Did you WANT to see him again? Did he mention a wife along with the umteen kids and grandkids?

Listen, walking along the A.C. boardwalk there isn't much more you can ask for than not getting shit on by a gull!

I say, enjoy the moment, it's great you met the guy...and remember - people come into your life for:
a reason
a season
a lifetime
and trust me you don't want to force the latter if they were here for only the first one :D

Luv ya Rob! And that lady walkin next to you? FUNNY ENUFF I C her all the time next to me too! ;)

Annie P.