Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fun Monday/ Monday December 1,2008

Fun Monday this week host is 'Beyond My Slab" Ari_1965 ; Tell us about your all-time worst Neighbors from Hell. You know, the family of Irish clog dancers who once lived in the flat/apartment above you? Mrs. Next door and her banshee-like multiple orgasms? Mr. and Mrs. Hard-of-Hearing with their television on full blast? The guys across the street who set off 4th of July fireworks starting in March and didn't stop until the first real snowfall?

Ahhhh -I cant think of any -I have only lived with my parents /in the dorms at college/ in a religious commune / in an apartment with a roommate / in an apartment with myself and this house in a small neighborhood where I don't know hardly anyone after 30 years. I guess I have been very tolerant or very boring.

When I lived with people (I don't now) all but one bathed and she, to be fair, took showers -but didn't believe in deodorant, or shaving her pits. Well, she used corn starch it was more 'natural' according to her father. It didn't work. She also didn't wash her clothes that often, and would dress out of a pile in the center of the floor after smelling them. sigh . It was the 70's.

She shared her little efficiency with me, as a favor to my oldest male cousin and his girlfriend. I moved my twin bed and furniture in and was just grateful I had a place to stay, as I started my new job. I can't remember how long I was there until I found an apartment in the next town.

She is still a friend of my cousin and his wife. I saw an ex boyfriend of hers a few years ago when he and a new friend came to cut some firewood from my back woods. -He had lost his job and was using wood to heat their house. He was freaky -I am glad he didn't keep in touch either.

I wonder how my neighbors would classify me? Maybe I am the neighbor from hell -I do like my music loud and do not rake leaves or plant flowers or grass seed.

On the other hand, I do buy stuff I don't need from little kids that knock on my side door.

And in my humble opinion - THAT is the best definition of a GOOD neighbor!


IamwhoIam said...

Hi Robin, I think all you neibors like you but think your a quit and personal person. Ha if they only knew.

Ari_1965 said...

I always seem to live next to or very near someone who is much more devoted to tending his lawn than I am. The length of my grass affronts him. The number of my dandelions offends him. When I'm sitting on my porch drinking tea instead of mowing the lawn, I can feel disapproval wafting through the air. But I don't give a damn. Life is too short to spend all your time turning your lawn into Astroturf.