Thursday, September 18, 2008

DSL Disc

I just called Verizon installation help line and spoke to Ian (?) in the Philippians. He spoke ok English -pronounced words like a computer would NO I couldn't understand him -but he was very nice. Forgot to ask if he was single.

I asked him where the disc was? did Carlos really order it sent to me? He said Yes and it will take 5 to 10 days. OK -so I wait. The 30 day cancellation period ends Oct 8th. I hope it is installed by then.

My friend Jennifer said when she got her DSL line she called them and asked when they were coming over to install it?

You can do that? Hmmmmmm

NO it would take me a year to clean my house well enough for a stranger to come in. I can do this myself -it is now a point of honor. If Sarah Palin can field dress a Bullwinkle moose, (why would you want to dress up a moose in your clothes ?-but Alaska winters are long I guess ?) I can do this installation !!!!!!!!!!!

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