Thursday, February 26, 2009

In this ECONOMY?

Well I had a melt down at work, at the gym on Monday -and it was not from over exercises. It was from stress.

I had been answering non stop questions for 4 hours/ putting new people into the computer/answering phones/ watching the floor for people in distress/ taking money for classes and memberships/The owner had just come in to make high energy shakes (a new duty,the staff was asked to do) and decided to do an introduction to a potential new member (-I had just put on a 7 day free trial membership)/ I had just started a new shake (I had never made that type) and the owner came over to help me and then left me to take the money and put in the cafe register/ I was able to wash out that blender holder/ and start disinfecting all the gym equipment/ empty out the trash cans/ then say goodbye to the owner (=who had finished the introduction and was on her way home after a 10hr day) / clean the three stall men's bathroom and women's bathroom (=all except the floor)/

-I stopped.

The other staff on duty had finished her third introduction to the gym and was making shakes. I had not eaten dinner or had time to buy a water to drink.

I got really light headed and almost fainted. I though i was having another TIA. I freaked out. I said I was leaving/

The other staff/ making shakes/ said what about the floors / I said i don't care/ she said at least close out the cash register for the gym / I tried but it didn't match /and me -auditor and brain/ couldn't think how to fix it.

I left, and spent the next 48 hours praying for an answer.

Wednesday, on the phone with my best friend. I typed out my resignation letter.

Thursday, I handed it to the manager.

For the first time in my life I resigned from a job. I had to admit to myself and the world -I could not do a job because of my health and I think age; or all of the above.

What a horrible and humbling thing to have to admit.

When I handed in the resignation letter, the manager was not surprised. Apparently, my 32 year co-worker that evening, had all ready called her. Ouch.

I gave them 2 week notice and am scheduled to open the gym at 5am/ a couple of days. Then I will turn in my keys.

I can not believe how much this humbling experience and finally the decision to resign, lifted such a weight off my mind.

I still believe in the need to exercises for all ages and the dream the owners have for this business -but it will not be with me. Younger and healthier bodies have to multi-task and clean toilet's.

This little part time job, just is not fun any longer.

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