Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby Shower

I am going to a Baby Shower on Saturday (actually it was Sunday - yes I went on the wrong day and then on the right day -I had a good time both days -Jeeze)

The shower is not a surprise. It is being given by a friend that use to be a neighbor- for her daughter. One of the requests on the invitation -was to bring YOUR favorite Baby Book for the wishing well -what a neat idea.

My favorite Book was 'The Little Mailman of Bayberry Lane". It is the story of a Chipmunk mailman -who identified a problem on his route with one of the residents. Initiated a plan and followed thru to the solution. Thereby effectively eliminating the problem to the satisfaction of all the residents.

Also it is a good story by Ian Munn and wonderful illustrations by Elizabeth Webb. Copyrighted by Rand McNally & Company MCMLII / 1952 . Ah, already you see the problem -It is out of print. I can not find my copy -sooooo I did the next best thing...........................

I searched on E-Bay and found one -well two and a Book with four stories which included my favorite. They were the ONLY ones on EBay -57 years later. I later found more on Amazon. My best friend is 38 -and he never even HEARD of this wonderful book. I was taking no chances. I ordered them all! The first one to come, was from the Goodwill of Bridgeport, CT.

I love this young woman having the baby shower -but I just got the one from Connecticut.

I dont want to give it away.

I held the brittle 57 year old book -with the name of some unknown little girl in the front -and gently read the words of this wonderful story of my youth. The colors in the illustrations are still rich and I can smell the Bayberry Candle made by Mrs Goose and taste the apple tart and lemon cakes made by Mrs.Pig.

How can I give this wonderful book to a little boy yet to be born? A rough and tumble little boy made of snails and puppy dog tails. Who will belong to a generation that may not even know what a mailman is or that yellow letters in yellow envelopes mean good news?

How can I not.

And so -I took it to Staples and had the brittle 56 year old pages laminated and then had them fastened with a spiral binding.

It will last until the he has his own Grand children -now THAT is a worthy present for the first baby of a dear girl, I have loved since she was 6 months old.

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